

One night with a snorer man


In a small provincial town, a trade representative had decided to stop by for the night.

Unfortunately for him, there was only one hotel, and all the rooms were reserved.

The representative then insists to the innkeeper:

"You have to find a place for me to sleep, even a bed anywhere, I am completely boastful!"

The innkeeper replied:

"Well, I do have a room with two beds and only one person..." And I’m sure that person would be happy to share his room and the price of his room with you... But to tell you the truth, this man is a snorer of the worst kind. So much so that his neighbours in the next room complain here every morning. In short, it is you who see.

"No problem, I’ll take the room. I’m too tired!"

The innkeeper introduces the two tenants to the room and lets them have dinner.

The next morning, the representative goes down for breakfast, and contrary to what the innkeeper thought, he has a keen eye and seems in good shape and well rested.

The innkeeper asks him:

"Did you manage to sleep?"

- Yes without problem

"Snoring didn’t bother you?"

- Not at all: he hasn’t snored all night

- What do you mean?

"Well, the man was already in bed when I entered the room." So I walked up to her bed and I went to kiss her ass and said, "Good night, my beauty"... And the guy spent the rest of the night sitting on his bed looking at me.

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