

this mother refuses to put sofas to her daughter 2-week-old

 Like more and more mothers, this young Australian takes her daughter to the bathroom like adults do.

Natural infant hygiene, do you know? The idea is not to put diapers on your baby and let him do his business like everyone else, in the toilet. A method increasingly favored by mothers who see it as a respectful way of following their baby's natural biology.

Cindy Lever is a freelance journalist and yoga teacher from Queensland, Australia. And above all, she is a follower of this method. For her, betting on natural infant hygiene means ensuring a greater connection with her baby, right from birth. If she admits that her husband looked at her with wide eyes at the announcement of his desire before the baby arrived, she assures that he has since been convinced of the benefits of this practice.

Listening to your baby

To achieve this, nothing could be simpler. In theory. Cindy just has to watch her daughter's behavior carefully. “In the same way that they can make us understand if they are tired or if they are hungry, if we are very attentive, it is also possible to detect when they want to go to the toilet, explains the young mother. at the Daily Mail. Just mix common sense, instinct, timing and listening. And if an accident happens, it's often because I haven't paid enough attention to these signs. According to the young woman, babies are also like adults and do not like to be dirty, which would be the key to the success of the method according to her. And when her daughter wants to satisfy a need, nothing could be simpler, she goes over the toilet or a sink, whether she is at home, in a public place or even in a restaurant. And if she raises a few eyebrows, Cindy continues to firmly believe in natural infant hygiene.

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