

An old woman asks for a wish


She is a 75 year old lady who has a vision one night, she sees God and talks to him.

She asks him, "How long do I have left to live?"

God answers him: "You still have 35 years to live!"

Also during the whole year that followed this revelation, the old lady underwent a lot of cosmetic surgery operations, her skin was tightened, her nose redone, she did liposuction... She was, so to speak, completely redone. ! She thinks that as she has to live another 35 years as much as she looks young again.

After everything is finally over, she decides to return home and during that same year, she gets hit by a car and dies instantly.

Arrived at the gates of Paradise, it is God in person who receives her.

She asks him bluntly:

- "What happened? It seems to me that You told me that I had to live another 35 years!!!"

And God to reply:

- "Name of Me, I did not recognize you

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