

What the 95 of Windoze 95 means?


What the 95 of Windoze 95 means:

1. The percentage of PCs that will need hardware upgrades.

2. The percentage of people who must buy the "upgrade pack"

3.The number of megabytes requested on the hard disk

4.The number of pages of the "EASY INSTALLATION" manual

5. The percentage of programs that do not work on this new OS

6.The number of minutes to install

7.The minimum number of tech support calls to get it started

8. The number of times you have to change the floppy disk to install it

9.The average number of seconds to wait before Windoze crashes

10. Billou's age when there will be no more bugs

11. The number of people willing to pay for the new version

12.The number of Mhz minimum to launch it almost normally

13. The RAM it needs

14. The Year He Should Have Came Out

15. The number of critical errors during a normal day of use.

16. The number of updates needed to correct all of these critical errors.

17. The number of technical calls received by Micro$oft per second (in France only).

18. The number of minutes of waiting to access the Micro$oft Hot-line.

19. The number of installations before running it.

20. The number of times you run ScanDisk to recover lost clusters during a day of use.

21. the number of days between each system crash

22. The profit (in %) realized by Micro$oft on this product.

23. The number of hairs remaining on the user's head after one day of use.

24. The number of seconds the boot takes.

25. The number of ©, ™ and other ® in the logo.

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