



A Frenchman and an American are in Saudi Arabia, sharing a crate of Jack Daniels smuggled in, when the Saudi police rush into their house and arrest them. The only possession of alcohol is a serious offense in Saudi Arabia. So for this really terrible crime of being caught drinking an alcoholic beverage, they are all sentenced to death! However, after many months and with the help of very good lawyers, they were able to successfully appeal their

Death sentence by turning it into a life sentence.

By another stroke of luck, this sentence was rendered on a national holiday, and the sheikh, extremely benevolent, decided that they could be released after the just distribution of 20 lashes.

As they prepared for their punishment, the sheikh announced, "It is the birthday of my first wife today, and she asked me to allow each of you to grant a wish before being flogged."

The American being the first in line, he thinks for a moment then says:

Please tie a pillow behind my back. "

This was done, but the pillow lasted only 10 lashes. When the punishment was over, he had to be taken away bleeding profusely and crying in pain.

The Frenchman was the last, but before he could say anything, the sheik turned to him and said:

"You come from one of the most beautiful places in the world and your culture is one of the finest in the world. Because of this, you have the right to two wishes! "

 "Thank you, Your Most Royal Highness, full of mercy," replied the Frenchman, "In recognition of your kindness, my first wish will be that you give me not 20, but 100 lashes!"

"Not only are you an honourable and powerful gentleman, but you are also very brave." said the Sheik with a deep look of admiration. "If 100 lashes is your wish, so be it. And what will be your second wish?" asked the Sheikh.

"Tie the American behind my back," replied the Frenchman.

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